Blog post about crossing paths with Elie Wiesel published on the Israel Forever website.
Excerpt “To be a Memorial Candle” is part of this Three Generational Book, “Echoes of The Holocaust” by Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
“Thank you for sending us your powerful submission.”
Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith, Editor-in-Chief,
Born and raised in Poland, I assumed my mother’s Holocaust burden.
From the editor: I am grateful for having received this very thoughtful article to post on the Winnipeg Jewish Review from this author who has seen that the Winnipeg Jewish review has been publishing Holocaust related submissions, which began as a result of my publishing a book review of “I Sleep in Hitler’s Room. Rhonda Spivak
Summer Edition, 2012 Joanne Jagoda, short story editor, Poetica “You have written a powerful piece. We would like to include it in Poetica, congratulations.”
An article about my project, published 8/16/2011 (in Polish)
Katarzyna Markusz,
Commemorative Book of The annual conference of the International Child Survivors/Hidden Children of the Holocaust in Warsaw, Poland, August 2011. “To Remember and to Honor” included an excerpt from BESHERT.
Jewish Magazine, June 2011
On Transmitting Family Trauma to the Next Generation
The Jewish Writing Project, November 2010
On Transmitting Family Trauma to the Next Generation
The Jewish Writing Project, September 2010
Jewish Magazine, October 2010
Mothers, Chapters I-IV BESHERT – IT WAS MEANT TO BE (2008)
Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol 5, No 2 (2008)
A Memoir: “Beshert – It Was Meant To Be”
Warsaw Stories 2008
Jewish Magazine 2008
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