Speaking Engagements 2023
Date to be Announced: Savannah Jewish Federation, Savannah, Ga
Bluffton Branch Library, 120 Palmetto Way, 843.255.6503, 11am – 1pm January 27, 2023
National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, 175 Bourne Avenue, Pooler, GA, April 18th, 2023
Speaking Engagements and Book Talk 2021-2022
Will be at the Treasure Sale, Hilton Head Plantation, Saturday October 1st 11am-2pm
Hilton Head Island, SC, Rotary Club, September 27th 8:00 AM
Hilton Head Island, SC, Rotary Club, July 18th, 6:00PM
Bluffton, SC, Library and Temple Oseh Shalom, May 3rd and 10th, 3:00 PM
Hilton Head Island, SC, Library, April 28th 10:00 AM
Hilton Head Island, SC, Bay Shore Adult Education, April 14th, 21st and June 2nd, 3PM
Bluffton, SC, Temple Oseh Shalom, Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Program, April 27th, 7:30PM, Crossing Paths with Elie Wiesel, his influence on my life and the importance of Memory Keepers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdGnNnYzvl0
Hilton Head Island, SC, St. Francis Catholic Church, January 25th and 26th 10AM
Connecting the Firsthand accounts to History. The interwar years in Poland, the Poland under Nazis murderess grip, surviving throughout Soviet Russia and Stalin’s brutality. The return to Poland to live under a new kind of oppression, Communism until the late 1960s.
Speaking Engagements and Book Talk 2020
March 9 & 16, HHP Women’s Club.
January 28, Activities Department HHP, SC PL_December_Web.pdf (hiltonheadplantation.com) page18.
November 2020, 2nd Edition of “Memory is Our Home” now available. An insightful memoir in the study of the fate of Polish Jews on the backdrop of history.
The easiest way to purchase the 2nd edition of Memory is Our Home is Barnes & Noble
You can also purchase a signed copy of the 2nd edition directly from the author, $25.00 includes shipping in the US. Email, [email protected]
My Polish version of the book, published in Poland, May 2016, “Pamięć Jest Naszym Domem” can be found at
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego http://www.lib.uni.lodz.pl/
Bibloteka Narodowa Warszawa http://bn.org.pl/
I was invited to share my story on the stage. My “Influential Person”. I will be presenting, Crossing Paths with Professor Elie Wiesel, at the Promenade Playhouse, Santa Monica, CA, Sunday 6/12/16. http://storeyproductions.com/shine_storytelling
Honored to have been asked to be part of Jan Ledóchowski’s newest historical film, “Deported”. Our interview took place on Thursday, March 17 2016, in Polish. Deported, covers Polish and Polish Jewish citizens’ plight to Soviet Russia, Central Asia and Siberia after Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The film also covers the repatriation to Poland at the end of the war and life under Communism that followed. Part two of my book http://ledochowski.eu/index.html
My short stories appeared in: The Israel Forever Foundation in partnership with the March of the Living Programs, JewishBoston.com, the Greater Boston Jewish Federation, Hidden Child Foundation/ADL Publication, Israel Rising and PRISM, An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators (due summer 2016)
Thrilled to be talking about my book, Memory is Our Home at Temple Sinai, in Las Vegas, NV on January 26th 2016. http://templesinailv.org/ My mother’s generation silenced by Hitler has a voice today. My deepest gratitude goes out to Joanne Gilbert, author of Women of Valor. For making it possible that on this Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 26, 2016, I could present my book “Memory is Our Home” at Temple Sinai in Las Vegas. Thank you all for a great turnout, including, professors Ted Gurr and Barbara Harff, http://gpanet.org/ and Ester Toporek Finder, GSI http://www.genshoah.org/.
Delighted to be part of Authors Night taping with Karyn Foley, for Friends of the Library, City of Calabasas, CA. Scheduled for Monday, February 1st. 2016. http://www.cityofcalabasas.com/library.html
Honored to have been invited as one of the speaker, 27th Annual Conference of the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants. http://www.holocaustchild.org/ I’ll be speaking about my book “Memory is Our Home”, about preserving Holocaust memoirs and the firsthand and the inter-generational experience, the key, without it there is no memory once that first generation is gone. October 9-12, Houston, TX. Hope to meet you all there.
My take away from the 27th, Houston Gathering. I met some of the most remarkable people from all over the globe. So many of the survivors were “hidden children”. Many are trying hard to reconstruct their memories. I feel so fortunate that my mother left me with a vivid account of what happened to her and her Polish Jewish community.
I see myself as a bridge, to 3 and future Gs, get them involved in our history. Future generations are the next memory keepers and memory custodians. Memoirs connect the past to the present. After we are gone they will have the responsibility of making sure those living documents stay relevant.
I just re-watched the YouTube video I put together in May of 2011, with the help of a 3G, Yuval David understood my vision perfectly, I am actually surprised that my vision was so clear back then, I have learned so much since.
Please read reviews or review my book on Goodreads and Amazon.
“Memory is Our Home” is available in electronic form as eBook from public libraries.
A list of libraries where my book, “Memory is Our Home” can be checked out.
Yad Vashem library, Jerusalem, Israel, catalogue No. 2015-3151
The Jewish Public Library, Montreal, Canada
Centro Recordatorio del Holocausto, Uruguay
Memorial de la Shoah, Paris, France
NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
http: //www.niod.knaw.nl/en
Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Biblioteka Narodowa Warszawa
United States Holocaust Research Library, Washington DC
Hilton Head Island Library, 11 Beach City Rd., HHI, SC
Bluffton Branch Library, 120 Palmetto Way, Bluffton, SC
Doe Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Goucher College Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Waltham, MA
Center for Jewish Culture, JACOBS FAMILY CAMPUS/Educational Resources, San Diego, CA
Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Oregon
Educational Initiatives, Holocaust Education Resource Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Calabasas City Library, Calabasas, CA
Gratz College Library, Melrose Park, PA
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